ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Scholastic Training
October 2007 - March 2011
PhD student at the Ruhr Graduate School in Economics (RGS), Essen
Master of Arts in Economics
October 2005 -
September 2007
Master in Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
August 2004 -
May 2005
Year Abroad at Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
October 2002 -
August 2005
European Economic Studies Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Bachelor thesis
Die Analyse ordinalskalierter Merkmale. Ein Überblick über das Ordered Logit und das Ordered Probit Modell und die Schätzung mit STATA am Beispiel der Lebenszufriedenheit.
Master thesis
Home care and the labour force participation of household members
Work Experience
May 2006 - March 2011
Student Research Assistant to Prof. Reinhold Schnabel,
Department of Economics (Finance),
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
in particular Teaching Assistant for Microeconomics (B.A. Lecture), Public finance (B.A. Lecture) and Social Security (M.A Lecture)
May 2009
EAPs/MAP2030 Workshop on the Future of Family Support for Older People, London School of Economics
May 2009
Second Belgian SHARE Conference
September 2009
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik
April 2010
Ageing, Savings, and Retirement Workshop, DIW Berlin
June 2010
Netspar Pension Workshop
September 2010
International Conference on Evidence-Based Policy in Long-Term Care, London School of Economics
Award of the Geno-Volks-Bank
Essen e.G. for
Best Master thesis in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2007
Research Interests
Microeconometric analyses on
- relation between labour supply decision and caregiving to family members / acquaintance
- opportunity costs of informal care
- intergenerational relationships between parents and their adult children
Working papers
Meng, A. (2011), Informal home care and labor force participation of household members,
Empirical Economics, forthcoming.
Meng, A. (2009), Do parents buy their children's attention?,
Ruhr Economic Papers, # 153, 1-41.
Meng, A. (2010), Long-term care responsibility and its opportunity costs,
Ruhr Economic Papers, # 168, 1-27.
Meng, A. (2010), The impact of demographic change, co-morbidity and European care policies on the choice of care arrangement, mimeo, 1-33.
Keese M., Meng, A. and Schnabel, R. (2010), Are you well prepared for long-term care? Assessing financial gaps in private German care provision, Ruhr Economic Papers, # 203, 1-31.
Meng, Annika (2011), Informal Caregiving and the Retirement Decision, German Economic Review, forthcoming.